GreenDat 1.6

Some users of GreenDay have asked for more input on how we list goals and rules in the application. With the new log detail feature available in 1.6, I thought I’d share our list of goals and rules.


  1. Following direction.
  2. Taking a break.
  3. Being independent.
  4. Being a bucket filler.
  5. Being considerate.
  6. Being safe.
  7. Doing chores.

Yellow Rules

  1. Not following direction.
  2. Being mean.
  3. Screaming or yelling.
  4. Touching people without permission.
  5. Touching people’s stuff without permission.
  6. Other.

Red Rules

  1. Refusing direction.
  2. Violence.
  3. Tantrum.
  4. Not changing bad behavior after warning.

Although the touching people and people’s stuff may seem a little strict, Saria has a problem keeping her hands to herself which that has gotten her into trouble in school and at home.

The Yellow rule “Not following direction” and the Red rule “Refusing direction” are needed to implement our behavior plan for following direction. We ask the girls to do something, and if they don’t do it, we point and give them 10 seconds. If they don’t do it, they go in yellow, then they’re not allowed to do anything fun until they do it. They have five minutes to do it until they go in red.

Example 1

Dad: “Saria, go set the table, please,” after getting Saria’s attention.

Saria: …

Dad: Points and counts to 10 in his head.

Saria: …

Dad: Moves Saria into yellow in the app and selects “Not following direction.” Dad then takes away from Saria whatever she is playing with, or if impossible, moves Saria away from what she’s doing. If Saria starts yelling and screaming, she is placed into red with “Not changing bad behavior after warning.” If she stays calm but doesn’t follow the direction within five minutes, she’s placed on red with “Refusing direction.”

Example 2

Dad: “Saria, go set the table, please,” after getting Saria’s attention.

Saria: “Okay.”

Dad: “Thank you Saria, I really appreciate it,” after getting Saria’s attention.

Saria: “You’re welcome, Dad.”

Dad: Gives Saria a token, and selects “Following direction”.

Note: It’s very important to only give your child direction to do something that they already know how to do, and if the task needs to be done a certain way, that you showed them multiple times on how you want the task done.